
Saints and Sinners – Part 1

Traveling to and from Corinth by sea was difficult and dangerous. A journey over land was safer and easier. So the Corinthians devised a way to save commercial ships about two hundred miles of ocean travel. They found that it was possible at times to sail a ship into Corinth’s harbor on one side and drag the ship up over an area of low land and down to the other side in order to avoid having to sail the whole way around the southern portion of Greece.

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Saints and Sinners – Part 2

 Yesterday we learned how Paul established himself in the city of Corinth. During those early months in Corinth the Jews were stirring up trouble against Paul. The Lord appeared to Paul on one occasion and said, “Do not worry. I am not going to let anything happen to you here. I have many people in this city.” Paul took courage from that, in spite of having been mistreated – even stoned – in other places, and carried on his ministry there in Corinth for eighteen months.

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Saints and Sinners – Part 3

 Today we continue our close examination of 1 Corinthians 1:2. Although Paul uses the same word hagioi in the first two phrases of this verse, there is a slightly different meaning between the two uses. The first phrase, “sanctified in Jesus Christ,” talks about our separation, which is what it means to be a saint. In the second phrase, “called to be holy,” Paul is not repeating himself, saying exactly the same thing. He is saying that you are separated unto Christ.

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Saints and Sinners – Part 4

 We are looking at the opening of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. In verse 7 he says that they had spiritual gifts. In the context of this book, that is really quite something to say. Here at the very beginning of his letter he begins to address himself to these Christians saying, “Yes, and among all those other gifts that are yours of God, there are certainly these gifts of the Spirit with which God has enriched you and does so to such a degree that you lack nothing that is essential for the health and well-being of your Christian fellowship.”

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The Book of 2 Timothy

Monday: Three More Useful Images

Theme: Three More Useful Images
In this week’s lessons, Paul reminds Timothy of those things he is to avoid, as well as those that he must practice, in order to please the Lord in his life and service.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-15

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The Book of 2 Timothy

Tuesday: Being a Skilled Workman

Theme: Being a Skilled Workman
In this week’s lessons, Paul reminds Timothy of those things he is to avoid, as well as those that he must practice, in order to please the Lord in his life and service.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-15

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The Book of 2 Timothy

Wednesday: Don’t Miss the Target

Theme: Don’t Miss the Target
In this week’s lessons, Paul reminds Timothy of those things he is to avoid, as well as those that he must practice, in order to please the Lord in his life and service.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-15

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The Book of 2 Timothy

Thursday: An Honorable and Clean Vessel

Theme: An Honorable and Clean Vessel
In this week’s lessons, Paul reminds Timothy of those things he is to avoid, as well as those that he must practice, in order to please the Lord in his life and service.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-15

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The Book of 2 Timothy

Friday: Faithful Servants

Theme: Faithful Servants
In this week’s lessons, Paul reminds Timothy of those things he is to avoid, as well as those that he must practice, in order to please the Lord in his life and service.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-15

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Living Sacrifice

Monday: Offering Ourselves to God

We are to sacrifice ourselves for Jesus, of course, if we love Him. Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13), and He did it for us. He did it literally…Now, because He loved us and gave Himself for us, we who love Him are likewise to give ourselves to Him as “living sacrifices.”

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Living Sacrifice

Tuesday: A Living Sacrifice

What exactly is meant by “sacrifice”? How are we to do it? The first point is the obvious one. The sacrifice is to be a living sacrifice rather than a dead one. This was quite a novel idea in Paul’s day, of course, though we have lost this by becoming overly familiar with it.

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Living Sacrifice

Wednesday: Giving God Our Bodies

Sin can control us through our bodies, but it does not need to. So rather than offering our bodies as instruments of sin, we are to offer God our bodies as instruments for doing His will.

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Living Sacrifice

Thursday: Holy Sacrifices

Paul uses the word “holy” to indicate the nature of the sacrifices we are to offer God. Any sacrifice must be holy. That is, it must be without spot or blemish and be consecrated entirely to God. Anything less is an insult to the great and holy God we serve. But how much more must we be holy who have been purchased “not with perishable things such as silver and gold…but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Pet. 1:18-19).

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Living Sacrifice

Friday: Pleasing to God

The final word Paul uses to describe how we should present our bodies to God as living sacrifices is “pleasing.” But this is also a conclusion for what I have been saying this week since the point is that if we do what Paul has urged us to do, namely, to offer our “bodies as living sacrifices, holy…to God,” then we will also find that what we have done is pleasing (or acceptable) to Him.

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Living Sacrifice Motive

Monday: Motivations

What is it that motivates people to achieve all they are capable of achieving or to “be all that you can be,” as the Army recruitment ads have it? There are a number of answers.

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Living Sacrifice Motive

Thursday: Mercy to the Apostle Paul

Imagine yourself in Adam’s place, living through what I have described. God had told Adam and Eve that they would die, but they had not died. There had been judgments, of course, consequences. Sin always has consequences. But they had not been struck down; and, in fact, God had even announced the coming of a Redeemer who one day would crush Satan’s head and undo his work.

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Living Sacrifice Motive

Friday: God’s Mercy and Grace to Us

That is the nature of the goodness, love, grace and mercy of our great God. If you are a Christian, shouldn’t it motivate you to the most complete offer of your body to him as a living sacrifice and to the highest possible level of obedience and service?

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Monday: Thinking Christianly

As believers we need to reject the world’s thinking and begin to think as Christians. This is what the apostle Paul is writing about in our text from Romans 12:2: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This means that our thinking is not to be determined by the culture of the world around us, but, rather, we are to have a distinctly different and growing Christian worldview.

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Tuesday: Beginning with God

Where do we start if we want not to conform to this world? There is a sense in which we could begin at any point, since truth is a whole and truth in any area will inevitably lead to truth in every other area. But if the dominant philosophy of our day is secularism (which means viewing all of life only in terms of the visible world), then the best of all possible starting places is the doctrine of God, for God alone is above and beyond the world and is eternal.

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Wednesday: God Has Spoken

To avoid being conformed to the world we must also understand the doctrine of revelation. The God who exists has revealed Himself. Do you remember how Francis Schaeffer put it in the title of one of his books? He called it, He Is There and He Is Not Silent. That is exactly the point. God is there, and He has not kept Himself hidden from us. He has revealed Himself in nature, in history and especially in the Scriptures.

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Thursday: The Answer to Materialism

If there is a God and if he has made us to have eternal fellowship with him, then we are going to look at failure, suffering, pain and even death differently. For the Christian these can never be the greatest of all tragedies. They are bad. Death is an enemy (1 Cor. 15:26). But they are overbalanced by eternal matters.

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Friday: Our Highest Aim

In 1989, Westerners were astounded by the political changes in Eastern Europe. Country after country repudiated its seventy-two-year Communist heritage and replaced its leaders with democratically elected officials. We rejoiced in these changes, rightly. But, though the American media with its blindness to things spiritual will not tell us, the changes in the Eastern bloc have not come about by the will of one person, Mikhail Gorbachev or any other, but by the spiritual vitality of the people.

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Resurrection and Jesus' Enemies

Monday: Humanism

In our last study from Romans 12, I introduced the Christian doctrines of God and revelation as the biblical response to the world’s way of thinking. The Christian doctrine of God is the Bible’s answer to secularism, humanism, relativism and materialism. The only one I did not write about explicitly was humanism, and I come to the answer to that “ism” now. The answer to humanism is the Christian doctrine of man.

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Resurrection and Jesus' Enemies

Tuesday: Our Obsession with Ourselves

In the last twenty years something terrible has happened to Americans in the way we relate to other people, and it is due to the twisted humanism we looked at yesterday. Christians have become conformed to the world in this area, and we must take a good hard look at this to be sure we don’t get swept into the pattern of our culture.

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Resurrection and Jesus' Enemies

Wednesday: The Doctrine of Man

If we are to have renewed minds, we need to stop thinking about ourselves and other people as the world thinks of itself and others and instead begin operating within a biblical framework.

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Resurrection and Jesus' Enemies

Thursday: The Doctrine of Sin

If human beings are more important and more valuable than the humanists imagine, why is it that things are so bad? The answer is the Christian doctrine of sin, which tells us that although people are more valuable than secularists imagine, they are in worse trouble than the humanists can admit.

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Resurrection and Jesus' Enemies

Friday: Redeemed for Glory

The doctrine of redemption—the fact that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16)—infinitely intensifies man’s value, because it teaches that even in his fallen condition in which he hates God and kills his fellow creatures, man is still so valuable to God that God planned for and carried out the death of His own precious Son to save him.

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Right Living at All Times

Monday: Believing in Right and Wrong

Right or wrong? Making that distinction rightly is what civilization—not to mention right religious behavior—is all about. But that is what we have lost in America. We do not believe in right and wrong. Therefore, it is against that serious national problem that we come to Paul’s challenge to Christians in Romans 12:17, where we read, “Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.”

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Right Living at All Times

Tuesday: Pursuing God’s Goal

In order to pursue a goal, there must be a goal. To have a strong moral society, we must have moral absolutes. Otherwise, all we can have is what is pragmatic or expedient, which is what education, politics and American life as a whole has come to. It is why we do not have any heroes today and why we do not have any moral leadership in the country.

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Right Living at All Times

Wednesday: A Moral and Ethical Foundation

We need to have our national morality renewed. But, of course, that is only another way of talking about the problem. Corporate morality is the one thing we cannot have if the only thing we can say about values is that they are relative.

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Right Living at All Times

Thursday: Practical Examples

We live in a trashy culture, worse—a sinful, evil, ugly and perverted culture. It is hard not to be sullied by it. Yet it was no different in Paul’s day. The Greek and Roman world of the first century was a slime pit. But in spite of it, Paul says that Christians are to set their minds on good things, things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. We are to seek the best rather than the worst of the world around us.

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Right Living at All Times

Friday: Desiring to Do What Is Right

In spite of everything I have said this week about America’s moral decline and the loss of a fixed moral standard for most people, the real problem is having the will to do what is right even when we know what it is.

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