Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts – Part 1

As we come to the twelfth chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul begins to deal with the matter of speaking in tongues. There are a lot of people who do not like this subject. This is true in my own confession; many Reformed churches are against it. That is because they are concerned that if individuals claim to be able to speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, what they say should carry the full authority of God because the Holy Spirit is God.

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Spiritual Gifts – Part 2

Spiritual Gifts1 Corinthians 12:1-31Theme: Our role in the body of Christ.This week’s lessons challenge us to know our spiritual gifts and to use them in the Church.

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Spiritual Gifts – Part 3

Is there a particular number of spiritual gifts? That question is difficult to answer. Paul gives two lists here in chapter 12. The first one identifies nine gifts (vv. 7-11). Then in 1 Cor. 12:27-30, Paul identifies another set of nine gifts, but here the list is different. Some of the gifts from his first list are repeated in the second, but others are new. There are three other passages in the New Testament that also list gifts in a formal manner.

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Spiritual Gifts – Part 4

We’re studying Paul’s analogy between a human body and the Church. The illustration of the human body makes some obvious points. The first one is that all of these parts have different functions. The eye sees, but it does not walk. The foot walks, but it does not handle. The hand handles, but it does not think. All parts of the body have different functions, and so do we.

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Spiritual Gifts – Part 5

There are three applications that I want to make from 1 Corinthians 12. The first is, be content with what you have been given. If you are not content, you are telling God that you know better than he. Therefore, be content with whatever God has given you, because God gave it to you and he knows best.

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More Laborers for the Field

Monday: A New Mission Field

One of the great things about closed doors is that they are not always closed forever. Sometimes God uses a closed door to send us in a contrary direction. But then, as we go on in the Christian life, we find that God later opens that very door. We have an example of this in Acts 18.

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More Laborers for the Field

Tuesday: Priscilla and Aquila

Priscilla and Aquila were what we would call “working people.” They were tentmakers, which probably means that they worked in leather since tents were usually made of skins. They were not from the upper classes, certainly. They were probably not particularly well educated. In addition, we know that they were Jews, and had been living in Rome. But when the Emperor Claudius issued his well-known edict banishing the Jews from Rome, Priscilla and Aquila left the capital of the empire and went to Corinth.

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More Laborers for the Field

Thursday: Further Instruction for Apollos

What do you do with someone like Apollos? Here was a man of eloquence and ability, apparently even being greatly used by God since, as we are told, he went to the synagogues and argued effectively with the Jews and other people. Should he have been rebuked? Opposed? Refuted? What actually happened was quite different and very important.

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God's Gifts

Monday: A Diversity of Gifts

Different gifts! It is hard for many of us to recognize this and accept it, because we are always wanting other Christians to be like ourselves and function like ourselves, or be cogs in our machine rather than contributing to another Christian work. Paul knew Christians who had this trouble too, but he tells everyone that we must accept this diversity if the church is to function as it should.

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God's Gifts

Tuesday: Prophesying

How many gifts are there? Nineteen are mentioned in the New Testament. But the number is not absolute. Different words may describe the same gift, for example, serving and helping, and there are probably gifts that could be mentioned but are not. In Romans 12 there are seven items, and we’ll look at all of them as the week goes on.

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