
The Book of Matthew

The Path of Humility, Part 2

Theme: Burdens Rolled Away: Pride 
This week’s lessons talk about the need for every Christian to be marked by humility, and that the sins that fight against this humility can only be taken away by the Lord Jesus Christ, whose own humility took him to the cross for us.  
Scripture: Matthew 20:20-28
A third incident came before the triumphal entry.

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The Book of Matthew

The Path of Humility, Part 3

Theme: Burdens Rolled Away: Pretense and Artificiality
This week’s lessons talk about the need for every Christian to be marked by humility, and that the sins that fight against this humility can only be taken away by the Lord Jesus Christ, whose own humility took him to the cross for us.  
Scripture: Matthew 20:20-28
2. The burden of pretense.

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The Book of Matthew

The Path of Humility, Part 4

Theme: Burdens Rolled Away: Self-Struggle
This week’s lessons talk about the need for every Christian to be marked by humility, and that the sins that fight against this humility can only be taken away by the Lord Jesus Christ, whose own humility took him to the cross for us.  
Scripture: Matthew 20:20-28
4. The burden of self-struggle.

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The Book of Matthew

The Path of Humility, Part 5

Theme: Begin with God
This week’s lessons talk about the need for every Christian to be marked by humility, and that the sins that fight against this humility can only be taken away by the Lord Jesus Christ, whose own humility took him to the cross for us.

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The Book of Matthew

The Path of Humility, Part 1

Theme: A Difficult School
This week’s lessons talk about the need for every Christian to be marked by humility, and that the sins that fight against this humility can only be taken away by the Lord Jesus Christ, whose own humility took him to the cross for us.
Scripture: Matthew 20:20-28
Brother Lawrence, whose collected conversations and letters are entitled The Practice of the Presence of God, lived in the seventeenth century.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Mighty God, the LORD

Theme: Summons to Judgment
Because God is the judge of all the earth, our proper response to him is to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and offer ourselves to him in grateful service.
Scripture: Psalm 50:1-23

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Mighty God, the LORD

Theme: The First Indictment: Formalism
Because God is the judge of all the earth, our proper response to him is to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and offer ourselves to him in grateful service.
Scripture: Psalm 50:1-23
Yesterday we concluded by looking at the first element involved in being summoned to God’s court. We begin today by mentioning the other two.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: The Mighty God, the LORD

Theme: The Cure for Mere Ritual
 Because God is the judge of all the earth, our proper response to him is to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and offer ourselves to him in grateful service.
Scripture: Psalm 50:1-23

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Mighty God, the LORD

Theme: The Second Indictment: Hypocrisy
Because God is the judge of all the earth, our proper response to him is to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and offer ourselves to him in grateful service.
Scripture: Psalm 50:1-23

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Mighty God, the LORD

Theme: The Judge’s Final Charge
Because God is the judge of all the earth, our proper response to him is to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and offer ourselves to him in grateful service.
Scripture: Psalm 50:1-23
In yesterday’s devotional we said that three of the Ten Commandments are mentioned in this psalm. Yesterday we looked at the first one, and today consider the other two.

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First Things First

Tuesday: Thinking Too Highly

In discussing right relationships, there are two possible errors in self-evaluation, and Paul suggests both of them in what he says: first, to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think; and second, to think too lowly of ourselves, which is to have a false humility. Today I want to spend time talking about the problem of thinking too highly of ourselves.

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First Things First

Wednesday: Thinking Too Lowly

One of the problems we have is that we usually think about ourselves too much. Yet the solution Paul offers is not to stop thinking about ourselves entirely but instead to start thinking about ourselves in a right way. We are to think of ourselves “with sober judgment.”

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First Things First

Thursday: “With the Measure of Faith”

The second phrase Paul uses in Romans 12:3 for thinking rightly about ourselves is “in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” This is a little bit more than simply seeing ourselves as made in the image of God, indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God and having part in the overall plan of God. It involves what each one of us is uniquely, that is, as different from other people, and it leads to the discussion of spiritual gifts that follows in this chapter.

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First Things First

Friday: Serving and Working for God’s Glory

A proper humility in which we learn to think soberly about ourselves does not lead to self-abnegation or inactivity, which honors no one. Instead it leads to the energetic use of every gift and talent God has given, knowing that they have come from Him— that no glory is ever due to us— but because they do come from Him, they must be used faithfully and wholeheartedly for His glory.

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